The twelve best games from the 33 games for the XPRO VGA gaming console written and tested in AstroChip 2.1 are contained as ATARI ST mono programs in this package. These versions of the games were converted from Omikron Basic 3 to GFA Basic. The games are written for ATARI ST mono emulators. They are made with GFA-BASIC and GBE. They were not tested on a real machine and it is possible, that they can't be run on it. You can try to run the *.PRG files or the *.GFA files in a GFA BASIC interpreter. The games run with the emulator hatari 1.8.0 and its built-in EmuTOS-image ( GFA BASIC was chosen as programming language to write programs compatible to EmuTOS. The games can also be run with hataroid and its built-in EmuTOS-image. hataroid is available for Android devices. The .LST files were written with the Windows X editor and merged and compiled with the programs coming with GBE. GBE ran with the operating system FreeMint 1.19 and the emulator ARAnyM 1.1.0 and the results were tested with the ATARI emulator hatari 1.8.0.

Running the games with hatari (in 2023):

Download hatari (a .zip) and extract the files to your hard disk. Extract the files from to the folder with the hatari files. Start hatari.exe. Press F12. Select "Hard disks". Select "Browse" next to "GEMDOS drive" and select the folder with the files from Choose "Back to main menu". Select "Reset machine" and "OK". Double-click "DISK C" and select a game-folder with double-clicks. The program file of a game (.PRG) can be double-clicked to start it.

The games also run with Steem v3.2 (, but they are not compatible to the STEmulator from the late 1990s. The TOS-ROMs tos1.02de and tos2.06de were tested with Steem v3.2.
The games are not much different from the games in the BASGAMES download written in Omikron Basic 3. Those games are compatible to STEmulator, but not to EmuTOS. One feature was added to Bworld: the game is also won, if one player has got 50 points. If he hits a cannon, he gets five points, for example.
The subfolders in the BASGAMES GFA download contain texts with information in German, how to play the games. I think you can also play them, if you just try out.

There are also versions of the games for other systems. The twelve games are also contained in BrowserBasic2.05 for JAVA 1.8 and BrowserBasic2.05dp for old JAVA versions (JAVA 1.1.8 to JAVA 1.8). You can also download the original DOS-versions of the games from the "old download archive (1997-2002)"-page (link in astroiso.htm in astroiso.iso from