XSPACE2 9.2.2021

Xspace2 is a version of Xspace for two players.
They get the same space station modules and build
their own space stations. This game is a bit like
Tetris. The other player can add more modules
after one player has lost. The modules come from
the sides of the gamefield and have to be added
without crash.
The first player uses the arrow keys. The second
player uses the keys s, y, x and c.
You can use ESC to restart the game.
The version in the main folder is compatible to
JAVA 1.1.8 and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated
JAVA API. You find a JAVA 1.1.8 applet version
and versions for Swing, which don't use a deprecated
JAVA API and are compatible to JAVA 1.8, in the