This is a game written in JAVA.
You have to destroy the enemies coming from the upper side of
the gamefield in this 2D-game. You move your player object with
mouseclicks and quit the game with the key ESC. You play for ten
minutes and try to get as much points as possible. There are
three modes for playing the game.
Click on the gamefield to select the position of the player object.
You start with a second click. The player object moves to the
position of the second click. If the player object stops, you can
make it move again with another click. If the player object moves,
it damages the enemies, if it his them. If it doesn't move and
hits an enemy, you get minus points. The enemies with less arrows
drawn on them are easier to eliminate.
Click on the gamefield to select the position of the player object.
You start with a second click. The player object moves to the
position of the second click. Then you can shoot in the direction
of the next clicks three times. The fourth click selects a position,
where the player object moves to. Then you switch between shooting
and moving in a loop until you quit with the ESC key or you played
longer than ten minutes.
The player object doesn't damage the enemies, if it hits them while
it is moving. It is damaged by them, if it doesn't move and is hit
by them. The player object can't be damaged, if it moves. If a shot
hits its target, it causes one point energy damage. The number of the
arrows drawn on the enemies is equal to the initial energy value.
diving and shooting:
Click on the gamefield to select the position of the player object.
You start with a second click. The player object moves to the
position of the second click. Then you can shoot in the direction
of the next clicks three times. The fourth click selects a position,
where the player object moves to. Then you switch between shooting
and moving in a loop until you quit with the ESC key or you played
longer than ten minutes.
The player object damages the enemies, if it hits them while
it is moving. It is damaged by them, if it doesn't move and is hit
by them. The player object can't be damaged, if it moves. If a shot
hits its target, it causes one point energy damage. The number of the
arrows drawn on the enemies is equal to the initial energy value.
If the player object flies over the enemy, one energy point of the
enemy is eliminated for ten pixels flight.
In every mode:
If an enemy reaches the bottom of the gamefield, you get one point less
in the result. You can't position the player object or shot
targets in the outer ten pixels of the gamefield.
The version in the main folder is compatible to JAVA 1.1.8,
MSJVM (JView) and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated JAVA API.
You find applet versions and versions, which don't use a
deprecated JAVA API, in the subfolders.