There is a new version of AstroChipLayoutDB1.3 Swing. You can download
AstroChipLayoutDB1.4 Swing with the download link
The old version in APPLICATIONS SWING wasn't replaced, because new
errors could be inserted and the old version worked fine with many
AstroChip definitions. The release date of AstroChipLayoutDB1.4 is 5.7.2020.
This archive contains Swing versions of 11 applications.
They used a deprecated JAVA API and this is corrected in this version.
The applications contained in this archive are
3Dlib2008, AstroChip2.1, AstroChip2.3, ChipLayoutDB1.3, HyperFTP,
HyperFTPSearch, LogoGraphics3D2010, PHPShareChat2, TempMessenger,
XMLROM and ZIPSelect.
AstroChip2.3 runs several threads and performs parallel computing.
The application runs faster on MultiCore processors then. But
not every AstroChip listing runs with it and then you should
use AstroChip2.1. ChipLayoutDB1.3 showed several errors. It was
tried to correct them, but there can be new errors. Version 1.2
and 1.3 had different errors. The functionality wasn't changed,
but x.txt, y.txt, z.txt and nmadder.txt were included as examples.
The nmadder.txt description was generated with
"java NmAdderTree nmadder.txt 4 4" ( There were many corrections in
the swing version, not only concerning the user interface or
other deprecations.
The Applet chat of PHPShareChat2 was removed, because the standard
internet browsers don't show applets anymore.
6.7.2020: The applet version of PHPShareChat2 was included again in
a swing version.
The livechat of TempMessenger can't be started normally because of
the same reason. If you really want to start a chat conference,
you can enter the link on the generated contact homepage as
argument for the AppletViewer from the Oracle JDK. A small new
feature was included because of these compatibility problems:
You can start a livechat in the TempMessenger main window, if
you enter a username, which is registered, and the user is online.
So the main changes were made in TempMessenger and ChipLayoutDB1.3.
The version is still the same, but has the additional name
Swing (AstroChipLayoutDB1.3 Swing).