You need a JAVA Browser to use this applet!
If you can't make it run and really want to play, you can use the AppletViewer from the Oracle JDK and start it with the .htm file as argument. The .htm file shouldn't be located online.

Astro Solutions Pacfull3D Applet

Pacfull3D is a version of PACFULL with non-textured 3D graphics. PACFULL was written in December 1997 and ran with the Atari ST mono. Pacfull3D runs with JAVA. The same levels can be played, but the levels before don't have to be completed to play the next level. There are stones, which stop you and cost points, stones, which accelerate you and cost points and stones, which can be collected to get one point. The game is won, if you have got more points than the number defined in the level file. The game is lost, if there aren't enough points anymore to collect to win the game. You also aren't allowed to leave the gamefield. The cursor keys are used to move the player-ball. Press ESC to quit a level. You can switch to the camera moving mode with RETURN.

This game is thread-safe. The applet is compatible to JAVA 1.1.8, MSJVM and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated JAVA API.