You need a JAVA Browser to use this applet!
You may use the Linux Mint 9 Live-DVD with the contained Firefox.
If you can't make the applet run and really want to play, you can use the AppletViewer from the Oracle JDK and start it with the .htm file as argument. The applet should be stored at an offline location, if you use the AppletViewer.
An application version for command-line launch also exists and is more compatible.

Astro Solutions GoldSearch Race Applet

GoldSearch Race is a version of the round based game GoldSearch for one and two players. The players don't move round based but at the same time with the cursor keys, s, y, x and c. A player has won, if he found gold. Bombs send him back to the starting point, which is selected with the mouse at the beginning. Other fields are waiting field, where the player has got to wait for 30 frame, turbos in a selectable direction and throw back fields, where the player is sent six fields back, if he wasn't sent to the beginning less steps ago. Then he is sent back less steps and only to the beginning. You can quit with a button or the ESC key.

This game is thread-safe. The applet is compatible to JAVA 1.1.8, MSJVM and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated JAVA API.