You need a JAVA Browser to use this applet!
You may use the Linux Mint 9 Live-DVD with the contained Firefox.
If you can't make the applet run and really want to play, you can use the AppletViewer from the Oracle JDK and start it with the .htm file as argument. The applet should be stored at an offline location, if you use the AppletViewer.
An application version for command-line launch also exists and is more compatible.

Astro Solutions FlyBombs Applet

You have to destroy the bases of the enemy on the right side of the gamefield before your bases on the left side are destroyed. Your bombs can't survive a crash into the walls in the middle of the gamefield, but the enemies' bombs fly over them. First you have to select a base for sending bombs. The game uses mouse commands. If a base is selected, you can define a flying direction. Afterwords the bomb must be flown. There are three mode to do this. The mode is selected after starting the game.
direction mode:
Select an already flying bomb with a mouselick and select flying direction changes with further mouse clicks.
impulse mode:
Select an already flying bomb and send impulses to it. The bomb flies into the opposite direction of the position, where the impulse activated with a click came from.
up and down mode:
Select an already flying bomb and use the buttons at the bottom of the gamefield to send the bomb more to the upper edge of the gamefield or more to the lower edge.
You can use your bombs to reduce the shields of the enemies' bases or to destroy bombs of the enemies, which come to destroy your bases.

This game is thread-safe. The applet is compatible to JAVA 1.1.8, MSJVM and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated JAVA API.