You need a JAVA Browser to use this applet!
You may use the Linux Mint 9 Live-DVD with the contained Firefox.
If you can't make the applet run and really want to play, you can use the AppletViewer from the Oracle JDK and start it with the .htm file as argument. The applet should be stored at an offline location, if you use the AppletViewer.
An application version for command-line launch also exists and is more compatible.

Astro Solutions DarkwarMClick Applet

DarkwarMClick is a version of DarkwarM for one player. The player positions his spacecraft with mouseclicks. The magnets fly towards his spacecraft and can destroy the enemies' spacecrafts. The player must avoid colliding with all of them. 100 spacecrafts must be destroyed to win the game.
You can use ESC to quit the game.

This game is thread-safe. The applet is compatible to JAVA 1.1.8, MSJVM and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated JAVA API.