You need a JAVA Browser to use this applet!
If you can't make it run and really want to play, you can use the AppletViewer from the Oracle JDK and start it with the .htm file as argument. Those arguments should not point to an online location.

Astro Solutions Base9 Applet

Two players set three cannons on the gamefield. The first player chooses a cannon and enters direction and speed of the shot. He tries to eliminate a base of the other player. Then it's the other players' turn. The player, who first looses three cannons, looses the game. Setting positions and selecting cannons is done with the mouse. The shot parameters are entered as numbers with the keyboard.

Base9 is a JAVA game:
This game is thread-safe. The applet is compatible to JAVA 1.1.8, MSJVM and JAVA 1.8 and uses a deprecated JAVA API.