RACE42 ATARI ST 2.12.2024

This is a game for ATARI ST mono emulators. It is made with GFA-BASIC and GBE. It is not tested on a real machine and it is possible, that it can't be run on it. You can try to run RACE42.PRG or RACE42.GFA in a GFA BASIC interpreter. RACE42.PRG runs with the emulator hatari 1.8.0 and its built-in EmuTOS-image (https://hatari.tuxfamily.org/download.html). GFA BASIC was chosen as programming language to write a program compatible to EmuTOS. The game can also be run with hataroid and its built-in EmuTOS-image. hataroid is available for Android devices. The .LST file was written with the Windows X editor and merged and compiled with the programs coming with GBE. GBE ran with the operating system FreeMint 1.19 and the emulator ARAnyM 1.1.0 and the result was tested with the ATARI emulator hatari 1.8.0.

RACE42 is a racing game for two players. They drive from the left side of the level to the right side of the level. The winner reaches the right side first. The players must avoid touching the borders or the stones. If they touch them, they must wait some seconds. The first player use the cursor keys and the second player the keys s, y (or z), x and c. Only 200X200 pixels are used for the animations of the race. The reason is, that GFA Basic is too slow. Full screen scrolling is possible on an ATARI ST, like HORISCRO ASM (horiasm.zip, Astro Solutions, 2016) shows, but you need an assembler and a real machine for it.
There are also other versions of Race42, which are quite similar:
Race42 (race42.zip, JAVA 1.1.8, Astro Solutions, 20.8.2005)
Race42 applet (appletgames2.zip, JAVA 1.1.8, Astro Solutions, 19.6.2011)
Race42 Swing (JAVA 1.8 applet and application)
(appletgames2swing.zip, JAVA 1.8, Astro Solutions, 1.7.2020)
XRACE MOBILE (xracemo.zip, J2ME, Astro Solutions, 27.3.2007)
XRACE EXTRA (xracemoextra.zip, J2ME, Astro Solutions, 23.9.2007)