This is a game for ATARI ST mono emulators. It is made with GFA-BASIC and GBE. It is not tested on a real machine and it is possible, that it can't be run on it. You can try to run DAWMGNAT.PRG or DAWMGNAT.GFA in a GFA BASIC interpreter. DAWMGNAT.PRG runs with the emulator hatari 1.8.0 and its built-in EmuTOS-image (https://hatari.tuxfamily.org/download.html). GFA BASIC was chosen as programming language to write a program compatible to EmuTOS. The game can also be run with hataroid and its built-in EmuTOS-image. hataroid is available for Android devices. The .LST file was written with the Windows X editor and merged and compiled with the programs coming with GBE. GBE ran with the operating system FreeMint 1.19 and the emulator ARAnyM 1.1.0 and the result was tested with the ATARI emulator hatari 1.8.0.

2.12.2024: version 1.1
Four new modes with orthogonal steering instead of the angle steering were inserted. The old version was replaced.

This game is a version of Darkworld OneScreen. The bombs fly to the nearest plus magnet or, if it's nearer, in the opposite direction of the nearest minus magnet. You must destroy 25 enemies in this version of Darkworld. There is only one screen and there are only three enemies on the screen simultaneous. You can play with one or two players. You use the cursor keys, RETURN, y (or z), c and a and ESC to quit in the two players modes. There are one player modes with mouse steering and with keyboard steering. Three bombs of every player can be on the screen simultaneously. If you play a base mode, you have to load new bombs at the bases after three shots.
You can use ESC to quit the game.